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Central Coast Fly Rodders - Code of Conduct and Club Rules

For the safety of club members and the public and for the representation of our club to the community, club members when attending outings and meetings and when wearing club logos will;

  1. Observe all RMS maritime and boating safety requirements.
  2. Comply with all State Fisheries rules relating to fish size and bag limits and prohibited times and areas.
  3. Consider ‘catch and release’ objectives and any other means that will conserve and foster sustainable fishing.
  4. Support the Clubs’ activities and it’s aim of promoting the sport of fly fishing. Welcome new members and provide assistance and encouragement.
  5. Treat other fishermen and the public with respect. ‘Share’ the stream and assist at boat ramps. We all represent our club.
  6. Observe the ‘House Rules’ at the Kariong Neighbourhood Centre.
  7. Leave the BBQ areas and boat ramps in a clean and tidy condition/
  8. Wear buoyancy vests and spiked footwear on all rock fishing outings.
  9. Cooperate with trip conveners with regard to prompt notification of attendance or otherwise and the allocation of boat seating.
  10. Pay annual membership fees by the September meeting.
  11. Observe the ‘working with children’ legislation where required at club activities.

As at July 27 2017