Trip Reports
Sunday, 7 December 2008

Light showers in the early morning deterred all but a few anglers & only 1 family. Murray Keating, Mac Lyall, Damian Webber, Chris Bannerman, Richard Hassel, Rob Harwood & Russell Piper all had a cast but only 1 or 2 fish were caught. So close to Xmas it was no wonder everyone had something to do or somewhere to be so the pin was pulled early with most enjoying a feed of the famous Patonga Fish & chips.

Pete Frere turned up around 11am with family in tow only to find it was all over bar the shouting. Such was the end to our fishing year, not with a bang but a whimper. Still, that was 2008 & I’m sure 2009 will be a lot better. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to all our members & their families & till next we meet, tight lines.